Alline procap contains a unique high quality keratin. Keratin CynaPlus from Alline procap is the result of a patented production process that guarantees almost complete 95% bioavailability and the presence of 18 amino acids. Alline procap combines a natural keratin CynaPlus with a complex of eleven vitamins that provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking two capsules per day.
Allin procap contains three minerals that each play an essential role in the hair cycle. These three minerals provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking 2 capsules per day.
Dibenedetto è un distributore leader nel settore dei ricambi per veicoli IVECO, rinomato per la sua affidabilità e competenza. Con anni di esperienza alle spalle, l'azienda si è affermata come un punto di riferimento per chi cerca componenti di alta qualità per veicoli commerciali e industriali IVECO. Il vasto assortimento di ricambi, che include motori, trasmissioni, sospensioni e molto altro, permette a Dibenedetto di soddisfare le esigenze sia dei professionisti del settore che dei singoli clienti. Grazie a un team di esperti tecnici, Dibenedetto offre consulenza specializzata per individuare rapidamente i pezzi di ricambio giusti, garantendo tempi di consegna rapidi e un servizio post-vendita eccellente. L'azienda si distingue per l'attenzione al cliente e la capacità di offrire soluzioni personalizzate, sempre allineate agli standard qualitativi richiesti da IVECO.
AdWELL® est une cartouche magnétique chargée des mêmes fréquences que l’eau naturelle. Voilà le secret technique d’AdWELL® qui parvient à enregistrer ces « bonnes ondes » dans un si petit cylindre.
AdWELL® émet en permanence ses fréquences. Il restructure et oxygène tout flux d’eau qui passe à proximité.
AdWELL® redonne légèreté et vitalité à votre eau : votre peau redevient douce, vos cheveux soyeux, vos appareils électroménagers gagnent en durée de vie etc.
AdWELL® est le seul appareil à agir sur toutes les composantes de l’eau (dureté, conductivité, nitrates, chlorures, …)
AdWELL® s’attache simplement le long d’un robinet, d’un tuyau de douche, ou d’une canalisation. Il n’y a aucun branchement et aucun entretien.
Longueur de canalisation traiter par appareil :
Travel 4 mètres linéaires
Modus 40 mètres linéaires
Magna 80 mètres linéaires
Mega 120 mètres linéaires
Giga 400 mètres linéaires
Ultravist 370mg I/ml Injection is known as a contrast agent. It is injected into the body before an X-ray test or CT scan to enhance the visibility of internal body structures like blood vessels and non-bony structures.
für Tiefenbehandlungen unterschiedlicher Gesichtsbereiche.
Korrigiert tiefe Furchen und Falten, verbessert die Gesichtskonturen und stellt geschmeidiges Gewebevolumen wieder her. Verbessert zugleich die Hautelastizität und die Festigkeit. Häufiger Einsatz in den Wangen oder zur Behandlung von Nasolabialfalten, Marionettenfalten, Kinn und Gesichtsfalten.
Leicht anzuwenden und extrem komfortabel für den Patienten, bietet das Produkt schnelle Resultate und hinterlässt ein strahlendes Gesicht und ein jüngeres Aussehen.
23 mg/ml
Dynamische Viskosität
1.000.000 mPa.s
Mittlere oder tiefe Lagen der Lederhaut, Unterhaut
Volumen (ml)
Endotoxine (EU.g)
BDDE, ppm
8 bis 12 Monate
Tiefe Furchen und Falten: Nasolabialfalten, Falten unter der Unterlippe, Lippenkonturen und volumenbehandlungen, Wiederherstellung eines geschmeidigen Gewebevolumens an Wangenknochen...
Juvéderm™ VOLUMA™ includes biocompatible HA which is an injectablefiller which provides patients with instant results which are indeed natural.
What is in the box?
(2 x 1ml syringes)
Fixes the shape of the cheeks and cheekbones in order to achieve a younger and healthier look. Also can be used to increase the fat content in the face which is followed by the loss of weight which have made cheeks become hollow initially.
Duration of product after procedure?
The effects can be seen for up to eighteen months.
Patients who are not recommended to use
It is important to understand that our always need to let your physician or doctor know about any allergies, immune diseases and infections you have if you are considering Juvéderm® VOLUMA
Country of origin:USA
Esta bebida antioxidante, energizante, multivitaminica y multimineral única, es una poderosa fuente nutricional que te brinda energía física y vitalidad. Su increíble fórmula Clean Label te ayuda a obtener un efecto prolongado de energía para mantenerte activo todo el día, mientras te ayuda a reducir la oxidación celular.
Amplificateur état Solide, Classe A
Fréquence : 10 kHz - 400 MHz
Puissance nominale : 2000 Watts
Fabricant PRANA
Version DC : avec écran, contrôle digital et communication IEEE avec coupleur intégré et affichage de la puissance instantanée
Juvederm Ultra 4 includes biocompatible HA which is an injectablefiller which provides patients with instant results which are indeed natural.
What is in the box?
(2 x 1ml syringes)
Juvederm Ultra 4 can allow cheeks and cheekbones to look younger and healthier. Increasing fat content in the face following loss of weight which have made cheeks become hollow.
The correction of folds and wrinkles in the face.
Duration of product after procedure?
The effects can be seen for up to twelve months.
Patients who are not recommended to use
It is important to understand that our always need to let your physician or doctor know about any allergies, immune diseases and infections you have if you are considering Juvéderm® ULTRA 4®, .
Country of origin:USA